We are here to support the universities and institutions in forming partnerships and worldwide MOUs with numerous of the best universities in the globe.
In order to fulfil your tie-up missions, we continuously create strategic worldwide alliances for you to form with reputable universities and other higher education institutions throughout the world.
Our goal is to form solid and productive relationships. These collaborations provide staff, students, and researchers with the opportunity to actively participate in cross-disciplinary initiatives on a worldwide scale.
It is imperative for an institute to move forward with collaborations and Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) and Collaborations, even all such programmes where international exposure has become required, in order to explore technological developments around the world and to update its student and faculty community.
GERIns has always been pro-active in forging agreements in the areas of training, certification, joint research, student exchange, faculty development programmes, conferences, and webinars with local, national, and international organisations, universities, and corporations.
With several reputable national and international organisations, GERIns is now carrying out 37+ active Memoranda of Understanding and Collaborations.
Created: 06-May-2024 01:13 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:13 PM